Theme parks

The Riviera Romagnola, also known as the Riviera of the Parks, is the most important in Italy as to the number of parks it hosts and the variety of beautiful attractions it boasts. Both theme parks to discover the underwater world and the different species of animals and water parks to enjoy dizzy water chutes are the ideal destination for people looking for funny holidays and exciting emotions. Both children, young people and adults will appreciate these modern facilities designed to entertain and educate.

From historic theme parks such as Italia in Miniatura, which hosts scale rebuildings of the most important monuments in Italy, to the fantastic world of Fiabilandia, with its famous Castle of Merlin the Wizard, Rimini offers people belonging to every age group unforgettable experiences. Riccione offers many attractions as well, such as Aquafan, Oltremare and Imax. Swimming pools provided with artificial waves, high and spectacular water chutes, the wonderful underwater world, the dolphins' acrobatics and the new cinema provided with a giant screen (over 60 square metres, 170°) where breathtaking clips attract people and catch their attention through incredible sounds and pictures.
Cattolica hosts the famous park Le Navi, an enormous water bearer where it is possible to discover many sea species, such as different species of sharks to be admired from the outside or diving into their big tank to experience exciting emotions.
A short distance from there is Mirabilandia, the famous funfair of Ravenna which offers both children and adults fun and entertainment, as well as a lush vegetation, incredible attractions and numerous refreshment points.
The hotels situated along the Riviera Romagnola offer special agreements to enter the nearby theme parks. Ask your hotel for information to take advantage of discounts and affordable package holidays which include accommodation and free access to the most beautiful funfairs.
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