Information on vacations in Marina Romea
Information and booking service for your holidays in Marina Romea: hotels, guesthouses, inns, cottages, town flats and campsites
We will help you to find an hotel in Marina Romea: four-, three- and two-star hotels and cheap guesthouses.
We also offer town flats and cottages to stay in Marina Romea all the year round.
You can find charming photos, the weather forecast and a list of all the events and shows you can join in the Province of Ravenna.
Among the most fascinating and elegant seaside resorts in the province of Ravenna, Marina Romea extends along the Adriatic coast with its beautiful pinewood forests and wide beaches and the charming tourist harbour which welcomes people travelling by boat.
Lively and elegant, Marina Romea is the ideal holiday destination for sport lovers thanks to its sports centres, its riding ground and the beautiful itineraries it offers to make excursions. People who love tranquillity and relax can find in Marina Romea the ideal destination to spend a regenerating holiday.