Information on vacations in Gatteo Mare

Information on vacations in Gatteo Mare

Information and booking service for your holidays in Gatteo Mare: hotels, guesthouses, inns, cottages, town flats and campsites

We will help you to find an hotel in Gatteo Mare: four-, three- and two-star hotels and cheap guesthouses.

We also offer town flats, cottages and campsites to stay in Gatteo Mare all the year round.

You can find charming photos, the weather forecast and all the events and shows you can join in the Province of Forlì Cesena.

Gatteo Mare, also called Gatteo a Mare, is a small town near Cesenatico overlooking the Adriatic Sea. Its one-kilometre-long beach is well equipped and provided with hotels, restaurants, bars and shops along the sea front and with welcoming and well kept bathing establishments to suit the needs of its visitors. The calm sea and the fine sand catch the attention of people looking for relax and tranquillity.

A walk in the city centre offers interesting opportunities, such as the visit to the recently restored Castello Malatestiano and to the ancient Chiesa di San Rocco, dating back to 1484, which is renowned for the beautiful and well-kept frescos it cointains.  



Saturday 20 April 2024

Cloudy days - Light rains

Temperature Min.:9 - Max.:13
Wind from East-northeast 10.8 km/h - Max.:10.8 km/h
Precipitations 8.27 mm
Pressure 1010 hPa

Sunday 21 April 2024

Cloudy days - Isolated rains

Temperature Min.:9 - Max.:13
Wind from Northeast 11.83 km/h - Max.:11.83 km/h
Precipitations 1.83 mm
Pressure 1014 hPa

Monday 22 April 2024

Cloudy days - Light rains

Temperature Min.:8 - Max.:13
Wind from West-southwest 7.68 km/h - Max.:7.68 km/h
Precipitations 12.77 mm
Pressure 1012 hPa

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Cloudy days - Isolated rains

Temperature Min.:6 - Max.:8
Wind from West 8.89 km/h - Max.:8.89 km/h
Precipitations 0.18 mm
Pressure 1007 hPa

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Cloudy days - Isolated rains

Temperature Min.:7 - Max.:12
Wind from North-northeast 4.37 km/h - Max.:4.37 km/h
Precipitations 3.24 mm
Pressure 1004 hPa

Thursday 25 April 2024

Cloudy days - Isolated rains

Temperature Min.:7 - Max.:13
Wind from East-southeast 4.02 km/h - Max.:4.02 km/h
Precipitations 2.61 mm
Pressure 1008 hPa