Information on vacations in Villamarina

Information and booking service for your holidays in Villamarina: hotels, guesthouses, inns, cottages, town flats and campsites

We will help you to find an hotel in Villmarina: four-, three- and two-star hotels and cheap guesthouses.

We also offer town flats and cottages to stay in Villamarina all the year round.

You can find charming photos, the weather forecast and a list of all the events and shows you can join in the Province of Forlì Cesena.

Villamarina is a small seaside resort situated 3 kilometres far from Cesenatico. Since the1960s Villamarina has developed to suit the requirements of families looking for relaxing and amusing holidays. Nowadays the accommodation facilities in Villamarina provide high quality services and modern sport and recreational equipments.

Beauty centres, clean and safe beaches, entertainment for children, modern clubs and restaurants made the small centre into the ideal destination for the holidays of families or group of friends.


Monday 29 April 2024

Cloudless days

Temperature Min.:11 - Max.:19
Wind from East-northeast 3.69 km/h - Max.:3.69 km/h
Precipitations n.d.
Pressure 1021 hPa

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Cloudless days

Temperature Min.:12 - Max.:20
Wind from East-southeast 3.93 km/h - Max.:3.93 km/h
Precipitations n.d.
Pressure 1018 hPa

Wednesday 01 May 2024

Cloudy days - Moderate rains

Temperature Min.:14 - Max.:18
Wind from South-southeast 4.12 km/h - Max.:4.12 km/h
Precipitations 9.36 mm
Pressure 1009 hPa

Thursday 02 May 2024

Cloudy days - Light rains

Temperature Min.:12 - Max.:19
Wind from West-southwest 8.71 km/h - Max.:8.71 km/h
Precipitations 1.54 mm
Pressure 1009 hPa

Friday 03 May 2024

Cloudy days - Isolated rains

Temperature Min.:11 - Max.:16
Wind from West-southwest 8.38 km/h - Max.:8.38 km/h
Precipitations 1.23 mm
Pressure 1012 hPa

Saturday 04 May 2024

Cloudy days

Temperature Min.:10 - Max.:17
Wind from East-northeast 4.5 km/h - Max.:4.5 km/h
Precipitations n.d.
Pressure 1015 hPa